Monday 2 April 2012

Had to share this....

 When we came downstairs the other morning for breakfast, imagine our surprise, when we saw this....outside the kitchen window!!!

Apparently, this tiny chickadee found himself INSIDE the birdfeeder!!!!
Must have flown up into the holes, where the seed comes out...
I HAD to take a photo...believe me, no tiny chickadees were hurt during the shoot!!! soon as I took the feeder off the hook....unscrewed the bolt that holds the lid on and the hook....gingerly held back the top, so that he could fly free....he went out the hole he came in thru!!! :o) 

 After successfully returning the feeder to it's hook....another tiny chickadee came for a treat...and guess what.....he did the exact same thing!!!

This time, my husband went out to do the sane procedure.....bear in mind, we were BOTH in our assorted housecoats....with hair [well, me]...sticking everywhere...this time, the tiny chickadee flew out, after the lid was lifted...

You never know what sight you will see in my gardens...this one at home, may be small...but it sure acts like it is HUGE..... 
Happy sunny days to you all....this pic is from last Summer...ahhhhhhh...

                                    Love It.....



  1. OMG, that is too cool! Glad you got pics of those chickadees IN the bird feeder or no one would believe it!

  2. That is so funny! I wish you had taken pictures of you and your boyfriend in was quite nippy out there I'll bet :)
    As Chickadees go..are you sure it wasn't the same one just attention seeking??? Hilarious!

  3. If you look can actually see me in the reflection of the feeder...
    how flattering!!


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