Thursday, 3 May 2012

How Does My Garden Grow.....

Starting out in the back...
Off I go....

With my camera in hand, and my housecoat keeping me warm...
 I took an early morning stroll in my 
small garden at home.

Are we SUPPOSED to EVER get tired
of adorable VIOLETS....or jolly jump ups as my mom called them....I don't think I ever will...
I just think they look so fresh, bright
and...well....just HAPPY....I guess if
my name was JOLLY JUMP UP...I'd be
pretty darn happy,too!!!   :o) 
The Peonies were still wet from the rain overnight...they look like they are just waiting for the ANTS to show up, and enjoy their sticky gooey buds..

FORGET-ME-NOTS are kinda like the delicate....saturated colors...just beautiful....Wish my name was FORGET-ME-NOT....wouldn't that be cool.....nobody would EVER forget my name!!   :o)

DELPHINIUM really LOOKING GOOD...I can't remember...does she bloom in the mid-summer, or late-summer....ANYBODY????

Isn't this a tad bit EARLY for these DIANTHUS to be blooming???
And look at the size of these LILIES.....unbelievable...thank goodness there are none of those pesky Lily BEETLES know, those ORANGE holes in all the Lilies...I guess with the temperature changes, they are not able to cope...well boo hoo for the heart is breaking for them...NOT...i AM GLAD THEY ARE NOT AROUND...i HOPE i NEVER SEE ONE AGAIN...TAKE THAT...YOU.., YOU...LILY BEETLES...YOU...tee hee hee

This is my HOT PINK PEONIE...and I never noticed that the leaves actually reflect that....much PINKER than the one at the top...the top one is actually the WHITE one....
           to the front...thru the house, and out the front door...
             still in my neighbours know that I am 
                                           CRAZY......crazy like a fox.....:o)
My 2 teeny succulents...don't know the names...but I always put them in the garage for the winter....and in no time at all, they are starting to GREEN up...lovely, delicate, lush these little guys... :o)

The FERNS at the front are really getting tall...I am surprised that the neighborhood Bunnie hasn't nibbled these yet....they don't get a lot of sun at the front...very cool there as well, as it faces east...

Climbing HYDRANGEA is doing really well...nice fat juicy I am getting hungry...I love anything fat and juicy!!!
Speaking of fat and juicy....Holy Moley...Humungus...Giganticus...BIG....the Mother of all HOSTAS....
Planted this dwarf Snowball VIBERNUM last Fall...I was afraid it might not make it....but she looks pretty darn good to me....wonder if I will get any SNOWBALLS.....

My Pansies in my Easter Basket are still going great guns....plenty of COLOR at the front door...aren't these just so love love these

Stuck a few FORSYTHIA branches in the planter with my PANSIES and TULIPS, and it looks like it has rooted....putting out fresh GREEN leaves...perhaps I will get another FORSYTHIA bush from it....will keep you posted on that....

I hope you are all enjoying watching my
garden grow this year....right along with me....I just can't wait to actually get
into the dirt....move stuff around...
redesign some beds...plant something
new and fresh....THAT, to me is what
gardening is all about......AMEN...

How cool would it be to actually swap
some plants....LOVE doing that...

Hope you all have a great day...I am
pretty sure I will...    :o)
My boyfriend will be home from his business trip tonight....:o)

I will leave you with a Fall MUM...with
a BEE having some fun...I actually saw a BEE today, while I was out filling the bird feeders...




  1. Welcome home to your man! A plant swap sounds!

    Sandy xox

  2. We live in the desert so every little bloom feels like a miracle to me! It's fun to see what grows where. I wish we could have peonies here. They are so gorgeous and really expensive to buy!

  3. I've been moving the odd plant around, just can't wait, but I did check out the long range forecast and temps were well above zero. Delphiniums are mid summer bloomers. We had a fair bit of rain in the evening and overnight so digging is really good in the garden today. Enjoy the nice weather.

  4. meant to add that I have those succulents too and they do just fine in the garden over the winter
    hopefully I'm lucky and get the word verification right twice in a row

  5. thanks again Crafty..
    glad to have an expert on board...
    to help me out!

  6. Oh my...those are some huge hosta sprouts! lol! That things is going to be huge! Do you have hummingbirds around when it blooms? They always seem to find fun!

    Everything looks so lovely!

  7. Hi Betsy:
    I have never noticed Hummingbirds at the Hosta...that is news to me...
    But they love my Hollyhocks and Obedient plants...


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