Last Wednesday, was the last day of Summer... We took off for the cottage...and boy...was it ever worth the trip!! As you can was a beeeeutiful day!! We stayed for 4 sleeps...and only one day...Friday...was not so great... Enjoy these shots...from the last day of Summer...
Hope you are all well...
Today is a blustery rainy day in Southern Ontario...
Leaves are flying through the air in the wind...luckily my boyfriend got the pool closed no leaves to scoop out!
I have skinny beef and barley soup simmering on the stove...YUM!!
I am seeing the Dr again this afternoon, as I can't shake this horrible hacking cough...very attractive..indeed!
I will share more pics from the cottage...the first day of Fall was spectacular!!
We are taking a drive out to the cottage tomorrow...perhaps stay one night, as it looks like a very rainy weekend ahead...
Stay warm!!
Thanks for all your lovely comments on my last post...♥️
I have started another sweater for Miss V, as I had to rip out the last one!!
The cough is nearly gone...and I feel human again!
Thank you all for all your get well wishes!!
Just a few pics of what I have been up to, while confined to my house!!
The Harvest Moon was not as Orange here...hmmm...
Wonder why?
Beautiful, none the less!!
We had some pretty heavy rainfall last week...and the sky afterwards was gorgeous!!
My garden thoroughly enjoyed the moisture, and rewarded me with some fantastic blooms!!
I got started on my Granny Square afghan...I have done more than this now...but too darn lazy to take another picture!! Hahaha!!
Our last regular Wednesday with Miss V was bittersweet...♥️♥️♥️
Before Lunch we clipped her Sunflowers, and put them in a vase...the wind has played havoc with them, and this was a better way to enjoy them...I will definitely do this again with her next Spring...It was such fun...
After her swim, I tried my hand at French Braiding her hair!! It all came back to me...and she looked like a doll!!
This last swim, she even used the pool noodle...she had refused up until this!
My last lunch before I got really ill...
Don't you just love poached eggs????
The shower for my future DIL Anna, was a huge success!
Her Mom, Sister {maid of honour} and Debbie{bridesmaid} did an excellent job!
Food was glorious...and we actually played a few games, that were surprisingly fun!!
Got Miss V to relax for a photo...she was having a ball playing with 3 other little girls there... Anna was absolutely glowing... I blurried myself, as I had had a horribly short haircut, and did not feel like myself!! I am so all know that already!
The shower gift to everyone, was M&M's...Ryan and Anna's favorites!!
In a cute wee jar....
The girls were kept busy, as Anna had made them all up goodie bags with lots of stuff to do...
Now....this is really of my bloggy pals...Martha...from the blog"Looking Up"...drove from New York State to visit me!!! Imagine that! We had a nice lunch that I prepared...chatted...chatted...for hours!! She was also visiting a relative who lived really close by to me!! I have now met 2 blogger friends...and enjoyed both experiences very much!! have you met any??? Did you have a good time???
And......just look at this fabulous Apple Pie she made for me!!! I have put it in the freezer, and will be perfect for our Thanksgiving!!!
We had a piece of Miss V's Banana Raspberry loaf...with berries and yogurt...and Martha was quite impressed!!!
So......that is what I have been up to for the last 10 days or so...
My antibiotics are nearly done...
Off to the cottage in the morning, for an extra long weekend...
Cannot wait to see what is happening out there!! I have not been for 12 days!!
Hope you are all well...Isn't this weather glorious???
I can hardly believe that Thursday is the first day of Fall....
I am looking forward to a beautiful warm sunny Fall...
How is that for being positive???
Dinner was BBQ'd Cod.....rice and Greek salad....delish...
My appetite is finally back...but I did lose 4 lbs, so that makes me happy!!
Every little bit helps!!
****************** There is a birthday on Saturday...and I will not be here to post about it!!
Happy Birthday to my youngest...37 on Saturday...
All the best to Erika...we will see you on Sunday!!!
Wasn't she a doll??? Do you think Miss V looks like her???
Except for the blonde hair........
Can you tell that used to cut her hair???? hahaha!!!
I do believe that the weather on Labour Day weekend... of the most beautiful of the Summer!! Calm Lake... Clear Blue skies... Blooms in the gardens...
Strange Caterpillars!! Happy Bees... People enjoying the water... Family... Food... Fun... ♥️♥️♥️
all my kids in the cottage...chatting...laughing...
what could possibly be better??? nothing!
My son painted us a brand new sign for the cottage...
We ahd been using the original owners sign for 20 years...with our name painted over it of course! hahaha! finally rotted thru...and fell off a few weeks ago!!
This is so fresh and "beautiful"...
The name we chose, 20 years ago...
Boy.....did we ever get the right!!
Hope you all are well...
I had a cold, but I am much improved...
Today was our last regular Wednesday with Miss V...
She starts JK tomorrow...she is very excited...she met her teachers the other day...hugs all around!!
When I picked her up at daycare today...I took one of the Pecan,Banana Raspberry loaves that Miss V made last week...{ it had been frozen}...for the staff...really nice people...always kind and polite to me...Miss V will surely miss them I am sure they will miss her♥️
The weather is unbelievable here in Southern Ontario...42c...over 100f!!!!
We are getting a bit of welcome rain right now...thank goodness!!
The pool was lovely today...we had a great day...and Miss V and her Mommy stayed for Summer Pasta for dinner...delish as always...
Not sure when we are going to the cottage...supposed to rain tomorrow...and it is very humid down there!!! Much happier here in the a/c!!!
Have a great evening everyone...
And as always...thanks for your lovely comments...much appreciated...