Saturday 25 February 2012

Feathery Beach Friends

This will be my last post, before leaving sunny is a very cool, windy day, so it gave us some extra time to start packing up, and preparing for the long drive ahead of us....thought I would share a few of the birds we have encountered along the beach... these little guys are the waverunners or sandpipers....very cute, and little...
This handsome devil  is the Great Blue Heron, one of the largest of the Herons...not as plentiful as the little waverunners, but I managed to capture a few..

This is the Double crested was funny, cause he was just sitting on the beach...when I read up about him, it seems that their feathers are not waterproof, to enable them to dive for fish, sooo...they have to sun themselves in order for their feathers to dry out!!    We have cormorants at the cottage, so I was surprised that they were also in the Gulf waters...
Another of the Elegant Terns...very social bird, and rather comical..

Cormorants and Pelicans...just stringing along!!

This is a Great White Heron...taken from our balcony..there is a small inlet from the intercoastal, where a lot of seabirds live...very noisy at dusk...with all the different calls...

As I said, this will be my last post from florida....We should be home by Tuesday afternoon

I will be glad to be off this "laptop" and back onto my own computer...very difficult to
place photos etc....with no

I have lots more sunny photos
to share with you all...
Until then, my friends...ciao..   :o)

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