Monday 16 January 2012


 On our drive home from the cottage on Friday, we passed this little farm on Hwy #3.

I had never noticed the Horses there before. I tried to get some close-ups, but they were very frisky, and kept running after each other...
This was the only guy, who stayed munching on the new pile of hay....all the others scattered...
If you look really hard, you can see a dog in the cute is that??

I had especially wanted to get a pic of the light tan horse...but he was the jumpiest of all...

                          Perhaps I will look for them again, and try for some tighter shots......I really love horses...especially in the snow!!!



  1. I love the second photo where the horse is aware of you and just daring you to get a "still" of the bunch! Brings new meaning to the term "horseplay"! Even the dog seems to have gotten into it. I suspect there are not too many people who stop in that spot to take pictures of the "locals". Can't wait to see more stories about the livestock.

  2. My favourite is the dog standing 'sentinel' in the background. Of course, the horses are lovely, too! It is true what you say, horses and snow = photo op!


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